How do fish reproduce?

How do fish reproduce?
Table of contents
  1. Fertilisation in fish:
  2. The reproductive period in fish:
  3. Sexual maturity in fish:
  4. The breeding seasons of fish:
  5. The breeding grounds of fish:

Like all living creatures, fish also reproduce. Reproduction in fishes is done in a rather special and particular way. Find out in this article how reproduction in fish is done.

Fertilisation in fish:

Fertilization in fish is done in a rather special way. Indeed, while the female emits her ovules in the aquatic environment, the male sticks to her to then emit his seed on the ovules in order to fertilize them. A fertilized egg is called an egg.

The reproductive period in fish:

Fish have this ability to change sex throughout their lives. This sex change greatly improves the chances of reproduction in fish. Furthermore, reproduction in fish varies between different seasons, but not in all fish. Some fish are fertile throughout the year. But reproduction can take place if and only if there is sexual maturity in the fish.

Sexual maturity in fish:

Sexual maturity in fish has nothing to do with age, their sexual maturity has to do with their size and weight. Once they have reached a maximum size and considerable weight, they are likely to be able to procreate in order to perpetuate their species. Furthermore, sexual maturity depends on several factors. It is delayed in cold climates and is faster in warm weather.

The breeding seasons of fish:

Some fish can be bred all year round (this is the case of tilapia which breed all year round) , but other fish have a limit and breed only two to three times a year, so these types of fish choose a given period and breed only at that time.

The breeding grounds of fish:

Reproduction in fish takes place in specific areas. For example; it takes place in enclosed waters, running waters and in flooded areas.


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